Impact Minerals Limited Annual Report 2023

Impact Minerals Ltd Annual Report 2023 71 Independent Auditor’s Report continued Key Audit Matter How our audit addressed the Key Audit Matter Exploration and Evaluation Expenditure - $9,568,039 (Refer to note 11) Mineral exploration expenditure is a key audit matter due to: • The significance of the balance to the Consolidated Entity’s financial position; and • The level of judgement required in evaluating management’s application of the requirements of AASB 6 Exploration for and Evaluation of Mineral Resources (“AASB 6”). AASB 6 is an industry specific accounting standard requiring the application of significant judgements, estimates and industry knowledge. This includes specific requirements for expenditure to be capitalised as an asset and subsequent requirements which must be complied with for capitalised expenditure to continue to be carried as an asset. Our audit procedures included but were not limited to: • Assessing management’s determination of its areas of interest for consistency with the definition in AASB 6. This involved analysing the tenements in which the Consolidated Entity holds an interest and the exploration programmes planned for those tenements; • For each area of interest, we assessed the Consolidated Entity’s rights to tenure by corroborating to government registries and evaluating agreements in place with other parties as applicable; • We considered the activities in each area of interest to date and assessed the planned future activities for each area of interest by evaluating budgets for each area of interest; • We tested the additions to capitalised expenditure for the year by evaluating a sample of recorded expenditure for consistency to underlying records, the capitalisation requirements of the Consolidated Entity’s accounting policy and the requirements of AASB 6; • We considered the activities in each area of interest to date and assessed the planned future activities for each area of interest by evaluating budgets for each area of interest; We assessed each area of interest for one or more of the following circumstances that may indicate impairment of the capitalised expenditure: • the licenses for the right to explore expiring in the near future or are not expected to be renewed; • substantive expenditure for further exploration in the specific area is neither budgeted or planned; • decision or intent by the Consolidated Entity to discontinue activities in the specific area of interest due to lack of commercially viable quantities of resources.