Impact Minerals Limited Annual Report 2023

Impact Minerals Ltd Annual Report 2023 67 Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements continued NOTE 28: RELATED PARTY DISCLOSURE a) Parent entity Class Country of incorporation Ownership 2023 % 2022 % Impact Minerals Limited Ordinary Australia – – b) Subsidiaries Class Country of incorporation Ownership 2023 % 2022 % Aurigen Pty Ltd Ordinary Australia 100 100 Siouville Pty Ltd Ordinary Australia 100 100 Invictus Gold Limited Ordinary Australia 100 100 Drummond West Pty Ltd(i) Ordinary Australia 100 100 Endeavour Minerals Pty Ltd(ii) Ordinary Australia 100 100 Blackridge Exploration Pty Ltd(iii) Ordinary Australia 100 100 (i) Drummond West Pty Ltd is a wholly owned subsidiary of Invictus Gold Limited. (ii) Endeavour Minerals Pty Ltd is a wholly owned subsidiary of Invictus Gold Limited. (iii) Blackridge Exploration Pty Ltd is a wholly owned subsidiary of Drummond West Pty Ltd. c) Key management personnel compensation 2023 $ 2022 $ Short-term employee benefits 371,995 384,050 Post-employment benefits 13,137 11,608 Share-based payments 302,100 434,000 687,232 829,658 Detailed remuneration disclosures are provided in the Remuneration Report on pages 33 to 37. A total of $246,880 (2022: $246,880) was capitalised as exploration expenditure. d) Transactions with related parties During the year, the Company was invoiced by Head Studio Investment Trust T/A Grants Residential Services (an entity associated with Dr Mike Jones, the Managing Director of Impact) for office cleaning services. This work was undertaken on an arm’s length basis and for the year ended 30 June 2023 totalled $575 excluding GST (2022: $Nil)