Impact Minerals Limited Annual Report 2023

Impact Minerals Ltd Annual Report 2023 23 Review of Operations continued Figure 21. Stacked bar charts of additive response ratios for Traverse C. The elements are plotted in order from bottom to top as per the exploration model and suggest they may be part of a zoned system (Figure 7). Figure 22. Cartoon of a widely used exploration model for zoned pegmatite systems showing a core of beryllium (Be) dominant mineralisation passing outwards to tantalum, niobium, lithium and caesium dominant mineralisation. The results of Impact’s first ever detailed soil geochemistry programmes at Beau and within the greater Arkun-Beau-Jumbo project area has successfully identified four high-priority target areas for further work and cover a wide range of battery and precious metals. The geological terrain, which is very poorly explored, is permissive for significant mineralisation of the types discussed here, and Impact considers the results from its exploration targeting work in this region thus far highly encouraging. It is equally encouraging that Impact’s targeting methodology and exploration workflow exemplified here has returned numerous areas for follow-up work and this augers well for Impact’s other projects throughout the emerging mineral province of Western Australia where the same work flow is being applied (Figure 1). At Beau, follow-up field checking and sampling has also been completed with the aim of prioritising areas for reconnaissance drill traverses as soon as practicable. Access will be restricted for drilling until the harvest period later in the year. This will however allow time for the statutory approvals to be lodged. DISCUSSION AND NEXT STEPS 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 515798 515998 516198 516398 516598 516798 516998 517198 Traverse C Be_ppb Cs_ppb Li_ppb Ta_ppb Nb_ppb Sn_ppb W_ppb 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 514198 514398 514598 514798 514998 515198 515398 515598 515798 Traverse B Figure 7. Stacked bar charts of additive response ratios for Traverse C. The elements are plotted in order from bottom to top as per the exploration model and suggest they may be part of a zoned system (Figure 7). Figure 8. Cartoon of a widely used exploration model for zoned pegmatite systems showing a core of beryllium (Be) dominant mineralisation passing outwards to tantalum, niobium, lithium and caesium dominant mineralisation. 3. DISCUSSION AND NEXT STEPS The results of Impact’s first ever detailed soil geochemistry programme at Beau and within the greater Ark Beau-Jumbo project area has successfully identified four high-priority target areas for further work and co wide range of battery and precious metals. The geological terrain, which is very poorly explored, is permis for significant mineralisation of the types discussed here, and Impact considers the results from its explora targeting work in this region thus far highly encouraging Traverse C