Impact Minerals Limited Annual Report 2023

Impact Minerals Ltd Annual Report 2023 15 Review of Operations continued During the year the following work was completed across the greater Arkun-Beau-Jumbo Project areas (Figure 11). 1. An extensive airborne HELITEM electromagnetic and magnetic survey comprising 920 line kilometres was completed on seven blocks covering the priority soil geochemistry targets identified at Beau and Arkun (Figures 11 and 12). Re-processing and interpretation of the data is underway. 2. Extensive time continues to be spent completing Land Access Agreements with landowners through the Beau and Arkun areas. Nearly 30 agreements have been signed covering most of the Ni-Cu-PGE targets in the northern part of the project area, and negotiations are underway for the remaining targets in the southern part of the area. In general, there has been a very good response from landowners in allowing exploration to commence. 3. As a result of the Land Access Agreements, Impact has completed several campaigns of field checking, soil geochemistry and rock chip sampling across some of the priority targets for Ni-Cu-PGE, with a total of 949 soil samples and 171 rock chip samples collected. Assays are awaited for a further 1000 soil samples. 4. Drill targets have been identified at the Beau Project (ASX Release 18th August 2022). A DGPR survey has also been completed, and this will allow drill hole locations to be finalised. Statutory approvals will then be applied for. This work will further refine areas of interest for follow-up work, including drilling. There is still significant follow-up work to be done on the other targets, which is a priority for Impact going forward. Figure 11. Location of HELITEM survey areas, soil geochemistry surveys that have been received and currently underway. ARKUN PROJECT Ni-Cu-PGM REE Li-Cs-Ta Rb