Impact Minerals Limited Annual Report 2022

Impact Minerals Ltd Annual Report 2022 71 Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements continued NOTE 27: PARENT ENTITY DISCLOSURE 2022 $ 2021 $ Financial Performance Profit/(loss) for the year (2,399,307) (4,760,174) Other comprehensive income – – Total comprehensive profit/(loss) (2,399,307) (4,760,174) Financial Position ASSETS Current assets 7,482,216 3,596,965 Non-current assets 9,403,845 10,111,428 TOTAL ASSETS 16,886,061 13,708,393 LIABILITIES Current liabilities 640,874 387,446 TOTAL LIABILITIES 640,874 387,446 NET ASSETS 16,245,187 13,320,947 EQUITY Issued capital 58,426,867 53,787,639 Option reserve 1,406,016 901,996 Financial asset reserve 72,500 45,000 Transactions with non-controlling interest (1,161,069) (1,161,069) Accumulated losses (42,499,127) (40,252,619) TOTAL EQUITY 16,245,187 13,320,947 No guarantees have been entered into by Impact Minerals Limited in relation to the debts of its subsidiaries. Impact Minerals Limited’s commitments are disclosed in Note 22.