Impact Minerals Limited Annual Report 2022

40 Impact Minerals Ltd Annual Report 2022 Directors’ Report continued G) DETAILS OF REMUNERATION The following table show details of the remuneration received by the Group’s key management personnel for the current and previous financial year. Name Short-term employment benefits Postemployment benefits Share-based payments Total $ % of remuneration to total from shares and options % Salary & fees $ Nonmonetary benefit $ Superannuation $ Shares $ Options $ 2022 Directors P Unsworth 59,361 – 5,936 – 91,000 156,297 58.2 M Jones 246,880 – – – 175,000 421,880 41.5 P Ingram 32,877 – 3,288 – 56,000 92,165 60.8 F Bierlein(1) 23,836 – 2,384 56,000 82,220 68.1 M Elsasser(2) 21,096 – – – 56,000 77,096 72.6 TOTALS 384,050 – 11,608 – 434,000 829,658 – 2021 Directors P Unsworth 56,240 – 5,343 – 25,015 86,598 28.9 M Jones 246,879 – – – 51,795 298,674 17.3 P Ingram 28,585 – 2,715 – 13,701 45,001 30.4 M Elsasser 31,300 – – – 13,701 45,001 30.4 TOTALS 363,004 – 8,058 – 104,212 475,274 – (1) Appointed 13 October 2021. (2) Retired 31 January 2022. No components of remuneration are linked to the performance of the Group. H) SERVICE AGREEMENTS M Jones, Managing Director Dr Jones is remunerated pursuant to an ongoing Consultancy Services Agreement. Dr Jones was paid fees of $246,880 for the year ended 30 June 2022. The notice period (other than for gross misconduct) is three months. I) DETAILS OF SHARE-BASED COMPENSATION AND BONUSES Options Options over ordinary shares in Impact Minerals Limited are granted under the Employee Option Acquisition Plan (“Option Plan”). Participation in the Option Plan and any vesting criteria are at the Board’s discretion and no individual has a contractual right to participate in the Option Plan or to receive any guaranteed benefits. Any options issued to Directors of the Company are subject to shareholder approval. Options issued to Directors in the 2022 financial year were approved by shareholders at the 2021 Annual General Meeting. Further information on the fair value of share options and assumptions is set out in Note 24 to the financial statements.