Impact Minerals Limited Annual Report 2022

24 Impact Minerals Ltd Annual Report 2022 9th March 2021). There has been no drilling of significance along the rest of the Trend. At the Little Broken Hill Gabbro, Impact completed the first ever drill programme across the seven-kilometre-long intrusion and identified numerous areas of highly anomalous nickel, copper and/or PGM’s in the basal unit to the intrusion over several kilometres of trend (ASX Release 15th April 2021). Extensive further deep drilling is required at both prospects and the initial work by IGO was aimed at identifying specific and large EM targets that may represent targets for high grade massive sulphide deposits. Figure 6.2: Location of newly identified EM plate in relation to the 9 km long Moorkai Trend with previous rock chip and drill results (pre-Impact work). The farm-in applies only to two tenements, EL7390 and EL8234, of Impact’s extensive tenement holdings at Broken Hill (Figure 6.1). The remaining tenements, which are all 100% owned by Impact, are considered by Impact to be one of the most under explored parts of Australia given the long history of mining at the nearby Broken Hill deposit itself. There has been limited exploration for the best part of 30 years in the area and there is significant potential on this ground for the discovery of major deposits of silver-leadzinc and in particular copper. The company is considering its options for progressing exploration on these tenements. Results of the EM Survey One significant electromagnetic (EM) conductor has been identified by IGO at the southern end of the Moorkai Trend (Figure 6.2). The new EM conductor has been modelled to have a high conductance of about 8,000 siemens and with the top edge of the modelled EM plate centred at a depth of about 350 metres below surface. It has a length of about 420 metres and extends for at least 85 metres down dip moderately to the south. The conductor is considered prospective for massive sulphide mineralisation based on its discrete dimensions and modelled high conductance. It is a priority target for follow-up work and IGO plan to drill the conductor by the end of 2022. Review of Operations continued