Impact Minerals Limited Annual Report 2022

Impact Minerals Ltd Annual Report 2022 21 Impact’s 80% owned Doonia gold project lies 75 kilometres east of the world class St Ives gold mining centre in Western Australia and comprises one Exploration Licence E15/1790 (Figure 5.1). The Doonia project was identified during a review of the Eastern Goldfields for intrusion-hosted gold deposits in light of the recent major Hemi discovery in the Pilbara (De Grey Mining Ltd ASX:DEG). The project has been further enhanced by the recent discovery of significant gold-copper-magnetite mineralisation hosted by a magnetic porphyry intrusion at the Burns project located just 20 km west of Doonia (Lefroy Exploration Ltd (ASX:LEX)) (Figure 5.1 and ASX Release 4th March 2021). Figure 5.1: Location of the Doonia Project in the Eastern Goldfields of Western Australia. 5. DOONIA PROJECT, WA (IPT 80%) Review of Operations continued Of note, the Doonia and Burns prospects were both first identified in the same regional exploration programme by WMC Resources Limited in the 1990’s with modest gold anomalism found in both areas in broad spaced aircore drilling. However, neither area was followed up at the time. Impact has identified a previously unrecognised distinct and coherent zoned soil geochemical anomaly centred over the small magnetic anomalies which comprises a core area of gold+bismuth that is 2,500 metres long and up to 1,000 metres wide (Figure 5.2). The core area is also characterised by anomalous copper-nickel and zinc and is partly surrounded by a larger halo of arsenic+antimony. These results are interpreted to be potentially related to a gold-bismuth mineralised system associated with a differentiated mafic to felsic intrusion. The system covers a large area and is a priority drill target. The mineralisation at Burns is also characterised by a metal association of copper-gold-bismuth-arsenic (with molybdenum-silver-tellurium which were not assayed at Doonia). This is a compelling similarity. During the year a maiden reverse circulation drill programme was completed to test several soil geochemistry and geophysical targets.