Impact Minerals Limited Annual Report 2022

Impact Minerals Ltd Annual Report 2022 17 Figure 3.4: Additive Z scores for all REE across the Dinninup project area. Four priority areas for follow up work are highlighted. Note that there are several other areas with strong responses which will also require follow-up work. Review of Operations continued NEXT STEPS The results of Impact’s first ever soil geochemistry programme at Dinninup, as at the Company’s other projects in the region, Arkun, Beau and Jumbo, have outlined a number of areas for follow-up work for nickel-copper-PGM mineralisation, LCT pegmatites and REE. These results further confirm the prospectivity of this poorly explored part of the emerging mineral province of south west Western Australia. First pass follow-up field checking, and sampling will commence in 2023, with the aim of prioritising areas for more detailed soil geochemistry and ground geophysics that will extend away from the roads and into the surrounding paddocks. This work will dovetail with continuing on-ground follow-up work at Arkun and Jumbo. In order to explore in the paddocks, land access agreements will be required with the relevant landowners and this process has been initiated.