Impact Minerals Limited Annual Report 2022

12 Impact Minerals Ltd Annual Report 2022 Figure 1.9: Priority Targets for rubidium shown on images of regional magnetic data. Numerous areas of strongly elevated values for rubidium above background are evident. An airborne EM survey was also completed during the year over 7 priority areas in the Arkun-Beau project area at a broad line spacing of 400 metres between survey lines. Six of these areas were previously identified in proprietary geophysical data and returned strong soil geochemical responses (N1 to N6) (ASX Release 21st September 2021). One further area with a strong geophysical response but limited soil geochemistry response was also surveyed. Processing of the data will commence shortly with final data expected in late 2023. Follow up soil geochemistry surveys have also been completed on five priority areas including the Beau area. Samples were taken on a nominal 400 m by 400 m or 200 m grid spacing. Results are expected by late 2022. Rb1 Rb2 Review of Operations continued